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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Don't put that dress in the washing machine - the label says it should be dry-cleaned.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

dry-clean \dry-clean\ v. t. to clean without the use of water; -- usually by immersing in an organic solvent to remove grease.


vb. (alternative spelling of dry clean English)

Usage examples of "dry-clean".

I knew where Maxine banked, bought her booze, shopped for groceries, dry-cleaned her clothes and had her hair done.

It's a robe ' Pink chiffon polyester, probably, not even her mother would be silly-enough to send a garment that would have to be dry-cleaned every time it was worntrimmed with satin rosebuds, it bore a striking and certainly coincidental resemblance to the Callot Soeurs peignoir.

A dozen suits hung in a closet, along with a pile of blue boxes full of dry-cleaned shirts and more underwear.

She stripped off the business suit she had been wearing for two days and a night, and dumped it in the dry-cleaning basket.

She wore a cervical collar and a blue uniform that Toad had had dry-cleaned.

Leonard sold dry cleaner's supplies, everything from wire hangers and mothproof bags to the chemicals they used in the dry-cleaning process itself.

The replacement seating had been dry-cleaned in the hangar as it always was, the ashtrays emptied and swabbed out.

Items such as my suit and raincoat are normally dry-cleaned twice a year, or more frequently if they get dirty.

Beck also dry-cleans money for a major pornography mill and a syndicate that runs a network of hookers and whorehouses down in San Diego County.

Maya, who had worked part-time, off and on, at a dry-cleaning shop a block away from their house in Hamtramck, also drew Social Security each month, and both of them were on Medicare.

The first time Three Fingered Hu had led Charlie Asher through the stygian back room of Golden Dragon Cleaners, the ten-year-old Beta Male was sure that he was going to be kidnapped and sold into dry-cleaning slavery, butchered and turned into dim sum, or forced to smoke opium and fight fifty kung fu fighters at once while still in his pj&rsquo.

Phillip Herrick, a chemist by trade and the owner of a chemical manufacturing business that supplied industrial solvents to Southland machine shops and dry-cleaning establishments, was active in the Lions Club and Rotary.

We have a shopping centre, cafeteria, post exchange, eight snack bars, a hospital complete with operating room, a dentist's office, a branch of the State Bank of Laurel, a dry-cleaning shop, a shoe shop, a barber shop, and a few other odds and ends.

Kurt had had the white fringe outfits dry-cleaned, and now Carrie was squeezed into Diana's dress.