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n. (plural of drumbeat English)

Usage examples of "drumbeats".

Between the rattled passages of drumbeats there was a pause filled by hundreds of voices.

There was something curiously menacing in the repetitive drumbeats that seemed to come from nowhere.

For the rest of the day the Welshmen worked glumly on the structures of their fortress, watched in vain for any reappearance of the natives, and after sunset began to be haunted again by the monotonous drumbeats from down the river.

People yipped and cheered all the dancing and pageantry around the Sacred Canoe, and Sweetgrass Smoke knew from every change in the drumbeats and voices just what was happening at any moment, because she had lived through more First Man festivals than anybody.

After an hour of tramping through the pitch-black forest to locate the source of the intermittent drumbeats they heard, they had decided on another course of action.

Most especially not now, when the dwarf clans were at war, their drumbeats throbbing late at night and the smoke from burned-out burrows hanging in the air.

Blaring brass against a background of drumbeats, an attempt to make dreadfully trite melody sound important.