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drug cocktail

n. a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors; used in treating AIDS and HIV [syn: highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART]

Usage examples of "drug cocktail".

One part of it would be a drug cocktail, a mixture of protein-synthesis enhancers, including even amphetamines and chemical relatives of strychnine, and then transmitters like serotonin, glutamate receptor sensitizers, cholinesterase, cyclic AMP, and so on.

Samir stopped watching the fish and told Fawd that the drug cocktail was good enough—.

She was as high on fear as Skeet on his drug cocktail, and hardly more rational than the kid had been on the Sorensons’.

Then I ripped the plastic from the blanket, lay down, and covered myself, blaming the drug cocktail for my doziness.

Maybe concoct some kind of drug cocktail to be injected into the men as soon as something like this happens.

That you can feed him a drug cocktail with his blood and restore his broken mind?

Even after the last drug cocktail failed and the cytomegalovirus finally finished off his retinas, Eric wanted the windows open whenever possible so that when Tom could not be present, the shifts were there to keep him company with their shadow show.