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n. (plural of drudgery English)

Usage examples of "drudgeries".

There are no moments in life more tragic than those in which the humble common man, the manual worker, leaving with implicit trust all high affairs to his betters, and reverencing them wholly as worthy of that trust, even to the extent of accepting as his rightful function the saving of them from all roughening and coarsening drudgeries, first discovers that they are corrupt, greedy, unjust and treacherous.

Outside of the common courtesies when he entered, they had all responded like so many bumps on a log—the drudgeries of patrol, no different from the last, or the next, could quickly make sleepwalkers out of professionals!

The women, however, seemed resigned to domestic drudgeries and many wore black dresses, as though they were in permanent mourning.

He knew of other cases where pride — and sheer exhaustion — had forced people to holdlessness rather than endure such drudgeries any longer.

He knew of other cases where pride—and sheer exhaustion—had forced people to holdlessness rather than endure such drudgeries any longer.