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n. (plural of dropship English) vb. (en-third-person singular of dropship English)

Usage examples of "dropships".

He moved quickly between the rows of Zemba-class dropships, which were arranged in three forward-facing rows of five.

All his troops were already either aboard the dropships, in the port hangar powering up the fifty Scorpion-class attack fliers, or on the bridge of the Draco.

Less than three seconds later the first blasts from the Jem’Hadar’s surface-mounted plasma cannon soared up from the planet and vaporized two dropships on the Zdonek’s starboard side.

He had left the Draco only thirty seconds ago, and already he had lost eight dropships and nearly half his fighter escorts.

The Zdonek and the other dropships plummeted at supersonic speed directly toward the main Jem’Hadar encampment, which Shinzon was pleased to see was illuminated by fires and explosions wrought by his Scorpion-class fighters, which drew most of the enemy fire away from the dropships.

The troops from the other dropships were quickly approaching, moving across the plain at a double-quick march as they followed the Zdonek’s crash scar.

Twenty of his soldiers were quickly but carefully taking apart the lab’s computer memory banks and loading them into two of the dropships, all of which had been moved to the lab’s main entrance in the crater.

The smoke thinned, and he saw the dropships less than twenty meters away.

The new Raphael carries three atmospheric dropships and a high-speed scout.

Malachy was shut down to all but military traffic -- no great loss, since no merchant or passenger dropships were scheduled in for a Martian week.

The Jibril was one of the newest archangel-class starships, and it looked functional and deadly to Cardinal Mustafa as their dropships closed the last few kilometers to rendezvous.

We can send dropships or fighter aircraft into the atmosphere to search for survivors without them ever knowing.

I'm sending down five more dropships, combat EMV's, and a thopter gunship.

He moved quickly between the rows ofZemba -class dropships, which were arranged in three forward facing rows of five.

All his troops were already either aboard the dropships, in the port hangar powering up the fiftyScorpion -class attack fliers, or on the bridge of theDraco.