n. a parachute used to decelerate an object that is moving rapidly [syn: drogue, drogue parachute]
Usage examples of "drogue chute".
The drogue chute hauled at the capsule, jolting her hard into her couch.
His parachute rig has a quarter bag over it and on the bag is a drogue chute that pulls the bag off so the parachute will stream out gradually and not break the chute or the pilot's back when the canopy pops open during a high-speed ejection.
In celebration of its good health, the seed took a long drink of the water that its drogue chute had been collecting.
When the wire was fully extended, the force exerted by moving through the air at 120 miles per hour was enough to tear off the drogue chute.
At the command to fire, one of the torpedoes dropped away, a drogue chute opening at its tail to position it at the correct angle for entering the water.
Oh, the ejection seat would still fire, but the drogue chute would not deploy and so the main chute would stay in its pack as he sat in the seat waiting, all the way to the ground.
The plane touched down on the runway and slowed, its tiny, circular drogue chute popping and fluttering behind the tail.
Next the drogue chute deployed, which whipped her body upside down, followed almost immediately by the shoulder-cracking snap of the big main chute.
When the Essay was still a thousand meters up, its coxswain pulled it out of its spiral and popped the drogue chute, slowing its speed further.
The drogue chute had likely been torn instantly away, but it had at least slowed the ship down to make it more maneuverable.
The shock of the drogue chute deploying snapped Slade back into the seat.
The drogue chute flutters out, catches air, and then eviscerates his main pack in one jerk.
The HumVee decelerated like a fighter jet deploying a drogue chute and swung to the right in a twelve-G turn.