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The Collaborative International Dictionary

drizzling \drizzling\ adj. raining lightly in a fine mist.

Syn: drizzly, misting, misty.


vb. (present participle of drizzle English).


adj. (of rain) falling lightly in very small drops; "a raw drizzing rain"

Usage examples of "drizzling".

He looked nervously around at the forest looming about them in the drizzling rain.

A light, drizzling rain was falling from a heavy, nighttime sky, and the leaves underfoot were wet and soggy.

Depressed and weary from his journey, Alfred was extremely glad to escape the dark and drizzling atmosphere and enter rooms that were warm and well lighted.

Condensation coated the mossy walls, water droplets drizzling down pillars and puddling on the floor.

Surprisingly, she wasn’t as cold as she thought she’d be, though she could see the storm winding up outside, the wind pressing brush and other flotsam against the window, sprays of water drizzling against the transparent aluminum, the incessant thrum of rain crashing against the roof and the outer walls.

A windless night and a drizzling rain wouldn't explain the sodden cardboard, meaning it had been brought in from the alley within the last hour or so.