n. a glass container for holding liquids while drinking [syn: glass]
Usage examples of "drinking glass".
A drinking glass was on the side table in the middle of a sticky trail of rings.
After having him make a very fancy drinking glass as a Christmas present for Count Lambert, I had him make a chimney for the gas lamp, to conduct the fumes away.
It is her mother, whose image she sees refracted through the bottom of the drinking glass.
That he came wrapped in a germ-proof cellophane bag, like a motel drinking glass?
Someone had thoughtfully placed a drinking glass under the worst one.
Hungry, he swallowed huge mouthfuls of hamburger and potato chips, drinking glass after glass of milk.
It had resumed in the kitchen after the herb tea in the parlor -- Herity and Murphey seated across from each other, drinking glass for glass, staring at each other with strange intensity.
At each chair was set an empty bottle and a drinking glass, a pad of yellowed paper and a writing implement.
His cock was as almost long as my arm from wrist to elbow, and as fat around as the bottom of a drinking glass.
Then she tossed the broom at Larry and pointed to the broken drinking glass where it had fallen.
When she appeared again at the open door with pitcher and drinking glass she paused a second time in amazement.
At what temperature does a drinking glass become quote unquote 'clean'?
It is these residues that end up on some surface: a doorknob, a drinking glass, a window pane.
There's enough deuterium in an eight-ounce drinking glass of water to equal the energy in half a million barrels of oil.
The last of Papa's victims to arrive on the terrace was the Earl of Marsh, who stood by himself next to the champagne table, drinking glass after glass of the sparkling wine.