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n. (plural of drinker English)

Usage examples of "drinkers".

There were never any sellouts, but the 30,000 or so regulars were extremely heavy drinkers, and at least 10,000 of them were out there for no other reason except to get involved in serious violence.

Everyone ignored the splintering and crashing sounds of a table collapsing under two cursing men slugging each other and the shivering and tinkling sounds of breaking glass that followed as various nearby drinkers hurled bottles at the combatants, seeking to alter the odds of wagers just placed.

The roar of laughter that followed threatened to shake the very ceiling of the inn down on top of all the table-slapping, hooting drinkers, but as their laughter finally trailed away, a high-pitched chuckle joined in, from the doorway.

So, despite the fact that the whole journalism industry is full of unregenerate heads -- just as many journalists were hard drinkers during Prohibition -- it is not very likely that the frank, documented truth about the psychedelic underworld, for good or ill, will be illuminated at any time soon in the public prints.

He was living on a hill overlooking the southern section of the city, and among his neighbors were several others of the breed, mad drinkers and men of strange arts.

Irish still carry the stereotype of being nothing more than hard drinkers and quick-tempered fighters.

Gaius Marius, sweeping past the gaping drinkers at a table near the counter without acknowledging their existence.

In front of the bar were a half-dozen padded stools for unaccompanied drinkers who could, if they chose, pivot their seats around to survey the field.

The usual press of lunchtime drinkers would begin arriving in another fifteen minutes, after which the opportunity to speak quietly to anyone would be gone But ten minutes, the hotel proprietor reasoned, should be sufficient for what he had come to do.

You piss-ant wine drinkers could take a bath in the amount of bourbon I can put away.

A local also requires an attractive barmaid and preferably some attractive female drinkers to lust after should the barmaid leave her post.

Mackintosh declares, beaming at the other drinkers who do their best not to catch his eye.

Through the window he can see the first drinkers trooping into the pub.

I saw the drinkers at the bar, two thin old men, pick up their glasses and move quietly off.

The conductor beat the time by clapping his hands, and when the music had raised the spirits of the drinkers, they seconded his efforts by rhythmical clippings.