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drill bits

n. (drill bit English)

Usage examples of "drill bits".

Richard would have Victor make him a set of drill bits for a bow drill.

Though Hope didnt say anything about it to Rio, in order to buy the new drill bits and the extra pipe he had ordered, she would have to dip into the money she had set aside to pay off the second mortgage.

Of course the only two really useful ones were missing, but obviously the mechanic had had little use for drill bits.

Additional frog voices contributed their simulations of slowly dripping water, plucked strings, human glottal trill, buzzing drill bits, amplified guitar notes.

They put me in the net, clipped it to the big hook on the end of the crane hoist and I was whisked up to be dumped like a sack on the oil-slimed pipe deck beside a pile of stores and new drill bits.

In one of the drawers on the big wheeled tool chest, she located an extensive collection of drill bits in three clear plastic boxes.

Although the drill bits weren't labeled except as to size, Chyna figured that they were all meant for woodworking and would not bore easily-if at all-through steel.