vb. (en-third-person singulardry up)
Usage examples of "dries up".
Many Fertile Crescent plants, especially species of cereals and pulses, have adapted in a way that renders them useful to humans: they are annuals, meaning that the plant itself dries up and dies in the dry season.
Then they come out into the hard sun of logic and reason again and it dries up, and they’.
And when the trust dries up, we could hit the streets, just like our clients.
When the tree dies its pulp dries up and blows away and there remains standing only a spectral figure composed of white slats and fiber that looks ghostly in the distance.
The small moist cushion of slack willingness with which her lips had greeted his dries up and turns hard, and when she can get her head back and her hand free she fits her palm against his jaw and pushes as if she wanted to throw his skull back into the hall.
But as soon as the rain dries up, and the Turas and Triple-Moon Conjunction festivals are over, I'm due back in court.
It kind of dries up here,' Tarr announced without looking anywhere but at his own manuscript.
Throughout China the mountain is known as Yo Lung and the stream which never dries up is known as the Immortality Stream.
Being thus dressed, you will find him a much better dish of meat than you, or most folk, even than anglers themselves, do imagine: for this dries up the fluid watery humour with which all Chubs do abound.
Their praise dries up as the Elves suddenly notice that Makri is not the standard-issue woman they took her for.