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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dreariness \Drear"i*ness\, n.

  1. Sorrow; wretchedness. [Obs.]

  2. Dismalness; gloomy solitude.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English dreorinysse; see dreary + -ness.


n. The characteristic of being dreary.


n. extreme dullness [syn: boringness]

Usage examples of "dreariness".

Sunday light he strode away, his spirit braced by the biting air, the Northern cold, the ragged bloody sky, which was somehow prophetic to him of glorious fulfilment, and at the same time depressed by the grey enormous weight of Sunday tedium and dreariness all around him.

At length the dreariness of an ended tale was about him, and he felt the inactivity to which he had been compelled all day no longer tolerable.

So young and so pretty, and caught in a life of dreariness and poverty.

But whereas most of the churches built during the past century are gimcrack affairs of brick veneered with imitation stone, of lattice work plastered to look like masonry, this vast essay in eccentric dreariness was realized, from crypt to capstone, in the solidest of granite.

The concert was one of those fragmentary drearinesses that people endure because they are fashionable.

Reed: the same ridge, black and blasted after the flames are dead, would have represented as meetly my subsequent condition, when half-an-hour's silence and reflection had shown me the madness of my conduct, and the dreariness of my hated and hating position.