n. (obsolete spelling of dream English)
Usage examples of "dreame".
By the terror of which sight, and the feare of so dreadfull a dreame, I awaked.
And have well founden by experience That dreames be significations As well of joy, as tribulations That folk enduren in this life present.
Or elles that devotion Of some, and contemplation, Causeth to them such dreames oft.
But nathelesse whilst all the lookers onHim dead behight, as he to all appeard,All vnawares he started vp anon,As one that had out of a dreame bene reard,And fresh assayld his foe.
And if that any drop of slombring restDid chaunce to still into her wearie spright,When feeble nature felt her selfe opprest,Streight way with dreames, and with fantasticke sightOf dreadfull things the same was put to flight,That oft out of her bed she did astart,As one with vew of ghastly feends affright:Tho gan she to renew her former smart,And thinke of that faire visage, written in her hart.
Thus well instructed, to their worke they hast,And comming where the knight in slomber lay,The one vpon his hardy head him plast,And made him dreame of loues and lustfull play,That nigh his manly hart did melt away,Bathed in wanton blis and wicked ioy:Then seemed him his Lady by him lay,And to him playnd, how that false winged boy,Her chast hart had subdewd, to learne Dame pleasures toy.
For he the dreames of the king expounded, Where in Chaldaea clerkes was there none That wiste to what fine* his dreames sounded.
Dame Partelote, I say you truely, Macrobius, that wrote the vision In Afric' of the worthy Scipion, Affirmeth dreames, and saith that they be 'Warnings of thinges that men after see.
And furthermore, I pray you looke well In the Old Testament, of Daniel, If he held dreames any vanity.
Forthwith he runnes with feigned faithfull hastVnto his guest, who after troublous sightsAnd dreames, gan now to take more sound repast,Whom suddenly he wakes with fearefull frights,As one aghast with feends or damned sprights,And to him cals, Rise rise vnhappy Swaine,That here wex old in sleepe, whiles wicked wightsHaue knit themselues in Venus shamefull chaine.
And all the chamber filled was with flyes,Which buzzed all about, and made such sound,That they encombred all mens eares and eyes,Like many swarmes of Bees assembled round,After their hiues with honny do abound:All those were idle thoughts and fantasies,Deuices, dreames, opinions vnsound,Shewes, visions, sooth-sayes, and prophesies.
Like as a wayward childe, whose sounder sleepeIs broken with some fearefull dreames affright,With froward will doth set him selfe to weepe.
For my consider, that in Dreames, I do not often, nor constanly think of the same Persons, Places, Objects, and Actions that I do waking.
And because waking I often observe the absurdity of Dreames, but never dream of the absurdities of my waking Thoughts.
But he was most lowly deceived, as all they are and shall be that put their trust in such dark drowsye dreames of hipocrites.