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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Draughtboard \Draught"board`\ (-b[=o]rd`), n. A checkered board on which draughts are played. See Checkerboard.


n. checkerboard

Usage examples of "draughtboard".

Four Berbers at the farther end were playing cards, and two Arabs that were chained to a column near the door squatted on the ground with a battered old draughtboard between them.

I forgot all the times that manipulating swine like Silius Italicus had outplayed me on the draughtboard of connivery.

She glared at her offspring, who hunched his shoulders, scowling at the draughtboard, lower lip thrust out.

Then, as we looked on, she broke the draughtboard in half and threw it outside.

Her toys were a skipping rope, a draughtboard, a sailing boat, a doll, a bird cage, a toy piano and a toy stove.