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adv. 1 To a drastic degree. 2 In a drastic manner.


adv. in a drastic manner

Usage examples of "drastically".

If only a few more frigates had been built, Adams wrote to Jefferson, who had cut the navy drastically.

Responding to such appeals, or acting on their own initiative, the State legislatures enacted measure after measure which entrenched upon the normal life of the community very drastically.

He also knew of others, which had produced drastically different judgments, and which Elliott Freemantle was either unaware of or had cagily avoided mentioning.

About the only people who use the Enfield Marine complex in a VA-related way now seem to be wild-eyed old Vietnam veterans in fatigue jackets de-sleeved to make vests, or else drastically old Korea vets who are now senile or terminally alcoholic or both.

But then, only female humans have wombs, so a contemplation of cloning became a novel about drastically altered relations between the sexes.

Even that drastically downscaled aspiration, however, seemed doomed to failure.

For this reason, the population of Gamebird during the Days dropped drastically, and for most who did stay on at the Project, there was no work and almost unlimited license.

Angel was born, it was lost in the history of some obscure southern California military base until Hollywood made it famous and also created the image of wild men on motorcycles -- an image that was later adopted and drastically modified by a new breed of outcasts that not even Hollywood could conceive of until they appeared, in the flesh, on California highways.

Doktor hit upon a technique to inhibit the development of the oxyradicals and the peroxide, thereby drastically reducing the rate of which he aged.

Their argument is that we should have known that Saddam would never give up his WMD programs to avoid prolonged sanctions, let alone expend scarce resources on his populace rather than his military and his cronies, so that by drastically diminishing the resources available to the regime we were dooming the Iraqi people.

But he was slowing and weakening drastically, once again losing the urge to breathe, a symptom of anoxia, of oxygen starvation.

They figured out how to do bigger confinements, and figured out how to reduce the power consumption drastically for lower-rate confinements.

Even our British allies are tiring of the commitment to the NFZs (the French bailed out several years ago) and would like to see us drastically scale back our sorties.

It took seven minutes after the induction rams came on to reach their orbital transfer trajectory, slicing cleanly through the mesosphere and into the rarefied lower chemosphere where the power-to-thrust ratio decayed drastically.

Seeing the coolheadedness of the woman ranger and her party, so drastically different from Roddy's violent temper, the mayor now thought it better that Dove and her companions handle the situation in their own way.