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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dragoon \Dra*goon"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dragooned; p. pr. & vb. n. Dragooning.]

  1. To harass or reduce to subjection by dragoons; to persecute by abandoning a place to the rage of soldiers.

  2. To compel submission by violent measures; to harass; to persecute.

    The colonies may be influenced to anything, but they can be dragooned to nothing.

    Lewis the Fourteenth is justly censured for trying to dragoon his subjects to heaven.


vb. (present participle of dragoon English)

Usage examples of "dragooning".

Painstakingly, laboriously dragooning clerical help from every agency he could threaten, confiscating his nephew's computer to use along with the Questura's single machine, Pazzi listed every criminal in northern Italy whose periods of imprisonment coincided with the time gaps in Il Mostro's series of murders.

How could you help regarding as an incumbrance and a discredit to you, an idle dragooning chap, who was an incumbrance and a discredit to himself, excepting under discipline?

I could have been safe at home, pleasuring myself groggy with Elspeth and sponging off her skinflint father, facing nothing worse than the prospect of bear-leading her family in Society, and here I was imprisoned in a lonely castle with five dangerous lunatics bent on dragooning me into a hare-brained adventure that was certain to put my head in a noose.