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n. (cx hypercorrect English) A (plural of dragoman nocap=1 English) (''Synonyms:'' dragomans).

Usage examples of "dragomen".

The minority who hired dragomen to venture into back streets were those seeking the sexual license associated with the East, an anonymous debauchery far from home, exactly what a dragoman could provide.

The lady's lips were pursed and her nose was high in the air, but as she passed one of the dragomen she gave him a quick glance from under the brim of her flower-trimmed hat and nodded emphatically.

Luncheon baskets were unpacked, and one of the dragomen began lecturing his group in atrocious German.

Trailing the pair at a respectful distance was one of the local dragomen, an amiably incompetent individual named Saiyid.

Those who were not in our employ worked at various trades, some as guides and dragomen, some at less socially acceptable occupations.

We knew very well that Palestine was a country which did not do a large passenger business, and every man we came across who knew any thing about it gave us to understand that not half of our party would be able to get dragomen and animals.

At Constantinople every body fell to telegraphing the American Consuls at Alexandria and Beirout to give notice that we wanted dragomen and transportation.

Thus are people persecuted by dragomen, whose sole ambition in life is to get ahead of each other.

It could only be a party of tourists, looking for some unusual experience, egged on by one of the enterprising dragomen who had invented the Hathor story.

They were not subject to the laws that governed Egyptians, and preferred to deal with occasional cases of theft and extortion through their dragomen or tour agencies.

That morning, dust rose from the area where the Metropolitan group was working, and the chanting of the workmen vied with the chatter of tourists and dragomen approaching Hatshepsut's temple.

Ahmed Ali was one of the most reliable and persistent dragomen at Giza.

They found him sitting in the shade of the shed he had erected, fahddling with some of the other dragomen and enjoying his lunch of bread, cheese, and onions.

The two young men decided they needed something to drink and entered the first place they came to beside the Nile, as it happened a refuge for off-duty dragomen, a filthy open-air restaurant with trellises of leafy vines and flowers overhead, a pool where drowsy ducks paddled and a cage housing squawking peacocks listlessly twitching their tails.

Hitherto, in all my wandering, I had been under the care of other people - sailors, Tatars, guides, and dragomen had watched over my welfare, but now at last I was here in this African desert, and I myself, and no other, had charge of my life.