- Report card blemish
- Passing grade that won't please parents
- One barely passes with it
- Not-so-good mark
- Not-so-good grade
- Not the highest grade
- Not quite a C
- My cumulative average at U.N.H
- Lousy mark
- It's very close to C
- It's not C-worthy
- It's in the high 60s
- High 60s
- Grade that describes this puzzle's theme
- GPA disaster
- Crappy grade
- 69, usually
- 69, grade-wise
- 67-69, gradewise
- Bad mark?
- Figure in the high 60s
- Pretty poor grade
- It's just below C level
- Grade to be concerned about
- Poor passing grade
- Poor grade
- Low grade, or an appropriate title for this puzzle
- Poor mark
- Barely passing grade
- Low mark
- Unenviable grade
- Passing mark
- Barely passing
- Subpar grade
- It's barely passing
- One passes with it, barely
- Mark above a "See me!" note
- 69, say