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adj. sloping down rather steeply [syn: declivitous, downhill]

Usage examples of "downward-sloping".

After twenty feet of crawling across the gently downward-sloping surface, I reached the fax side of the ridge and stretched down with the probe.

On the downward-sloping section Roofshadow herself lost her footing for a moment in a heavy gust of wind, but managed to crouch and hold until the danger was past.

Every stone in the deepening rut, every pressure-flattened pile of junk on the steadily downward-sloping seabed around the channel, is coated thick and black.

Beyond it, flickering white balls of radiance hung down from the ceiling, leading off at a downward-sloping angle.

Snow had been washed away as it fell, leaving the rounded, downward-sloping humps of ice bare and slick.

He turned, his heart lurching, and looked north, along the downward-sloping path to where Uathach waited on the stony plain.