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n. (plural of downland English)


Downlands may refer to:

  • Downland, an area of open chalk hills, especially in southern England
  • Downlands College, a school in Queensland, Australia
  • Downlands Community School in West Sussex, England

Usage examples of "downlands".

Happier ever since we'd traded uplands for downlands and then downlands for border country.

Behind us they stood like downlands etched sharp against the sky's last light.

The gentle, rolling downlands stretched ahead and behind, sere under unrumpled snow, the rippled ink of oak copse and the grayed trunks of alders snagged through by tinseled skeins of moonlight.

A matriarch gifted with Sight attended every birth, death, and wedding held in these isolate downlands, her place to interpret the omens and deliver a guiding augury appropriate to the occasion.