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doubting thomas

n. 1 One who requires proof before believing. 2 One who finds belief difficult.

doubting Thomas
  1. n. the Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes [syn: Thomas, Saint Thomas, St. Thomas, Thomas the doubting Apostle]

  2. someone who demands physical evidence in order to be convinced (especially when this demand is out of place)

Doubting Thomas

A doubting Thomas is a skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience—a reference to the Apostle Thomas, who refused to believe that the resurrected Jesus had appeared to the ten other apostles, until he could see and feel the wounds received by Jesus on the cross.

In art, the episode (formally called the Incredulity of Thomas) has been frequently depicted since at least the 5th century, with its depiction reflecting a range of theological interpretations.

Doubting Thomas (band)

Doubting Thomas is an industrial band formed by two members of Skinny Puppy: cEvin Key and the late Dwayne Goettel. It is considered a Skinny Puppy side project. The band shares its name with an American roots band, to whom they have no relation.

Doubting Thomas released one album, an EP, and several other songs on compilations. Nearly all their music is instrumental.

Doubting Thomas (disambiguation)

Doubting Thomas refers to Thomas the Apostle.

Doubting Thomas may also refer to:

Doubting Thomas (1935 film)

Doubting Thomas is a 1935 American comedy film directed by David Butler and written by William M. Conselman and Bartlett Cormack. The film stars Will Rogers, Billie Burke, Alison Skipworth, Sterling Holloway, Andrew Tombes and Gail Patrick. The film was released on June 7, 1935, by Fox Film Corporation.

Based on George Kelly's 1923 play "The Torch-Bearers".

Usage examples of "doubting thomas".

She bent over and thrust her hand into the hole, somewhat like doubting Thomas, and raised up a handful of the cargo, and let it spill in a colorful clinking shower.

Thirty years in this business and you just naturally become a doubting Thomas.

The Bible doesn't say so, but Doubting Thomas went on to be a cop.

If he doesn't believe in the ghost, it isn't just because he's a doubting Thomas.

Christ, from the tomb, fears to come forth should he be unrecognized by doubting Thomas.