a. (archaic form of doubtful English)
Usage examples of "doubtfull".
Sisters, yet she was in doubtfull and divers opinions touching her calamity.
Full of sad feare, and doubtfull agony,Fiercely he flew vpon that wicked feend,And with huge strokes, and cruell batteryHim forst to leaue his pray, for to attendHim selfe from deadly daunger to defend:Full many wounds in his corrupted fleshHe did engraue, and muchell bloud did spend,Yet might not do him dye, but aye more freshAnd fierce he still appeard, the more he did him thresh.
Him therefore now the obiect of his spightAnd deadly food he makes: him to offendBy forged treason, or by open fightHe seekes, of all his drift the aymed end:Thereto his subtile engins he does bendHis practick wit, and his faire filed tong,With thousand other sleights: for well he kend,His credit now in doubtfull ballaunce hong.
The royall Virgin, which beheld from farre,In pensiue plight, and sad perplexitie,The whole atchieuement of this doubtfull warre,Came running fast to greet his victorie,With sober gladnesse, and myld modestie,And with sweet ioyous cheare him thus bespake.
But Scudamour whose hart twixt doubtfull feareAnd feeble hope hung all this while suspence,Desiring of his Amoret to heareSome gladfull newes and sure intelligence,Her thus bespake.
At last they came whereas that Ladie bode,Whom now her keepers had forsaken quight,To saue themselues, and scattered were abrode:Her halfe dismayd they found in doubtfull plight,As neither glad nor sorie for their sight.
Thereto her feare was made so much the greaterThrough fine abusion of that Briton mayd:Who for to hide her fained sex the better,And maske her wounded mind, both did and saydFull many things so doubtfull to be wayd,That well she wist not what by them to gesse,For other whiles to her she purpos madeOf loue, and otherwhiles of lustfulnesseThat much she feard his mind would grow to some excesse.
The sight of whom, though now decayd and mard,And eke but hardly seene by candle-light:Yet like a Diamond of rich regard,In doubtfull shadow of the darkesome night,With starrie beames about her shining bright,These marchants fixed eyes did so amaze,That what through wonder, & what through delight,Awhile on her they greedily did gaze,And did her greatly like, and did her greatly praize.