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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Double dealer \Dou"ble deal"er\, double-dealer \dou"ble-deal"er\ One who practices double dealing; a deceitful, trickish person; a person who says one thing and does another.

Syn: double-crosser, betrayer, traitor.


n. One who double deals. A cheat or crook.


n. a person who says one thing and does another [syn: double-crosser, two-timer, betrayer, traitor]

Usage examples of "double-dealer".

Not only are you incapable of double-dealing, not only are you incapable of thinking along double-dealing lines, you're not even capable of thinking of the consequences to the double-dealer who has overplayed his hand.

The breach was healed, but Defoe seems to have realised that his days as a double-dealer were numbered.

But it was plain that Sefris was as treacherous a double-dealer as most every­one else she'd met in Oeble, and had been playing her for a fool from the start.

And what those double-dealers couldn't pull from HQ, they hoped to learn from her!