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double chins

n. (double chin English)

Usage examples of "double chins".

A flight of smooth double chins led down to the dizzy depths of a still-snowy bosom veiled in snowy muslins that were held in place by a miniature portrait of the late Mr.

Schmidt looked like Father Christmas with an armful of parcels and a red scarf wound around his double chins.

Dacians, Herulians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Hyperboreans, heavy wheels without spokes, eyes sunk in fat, sodomy, double chins, illiterate emperors, fish fed on the flesh of learned slaves.

Billy exclaimed, nodding his head so emphatically that his double chins quivered.

The doctor sat wheezing over his double chins, his big mop of hair rumpled and his hands folded on his cane.

Already primed, he merely lowered his head so that his double chins spread on his chest, a signal to Dathka to do whatever he wished to do.

Fingers, moles, birthmarks, double chins, battlescars, and manhoods of significant size were all sliced off with surgeonlike skill.

His face was broad, connected to his neck by a series of double chins.

Just look at your bloated, dangling backside, belly and double chins!

As the man fought to get breath into his lungs, Ryan reached out and ran a finger under his double chins, up to his ear.