n. 1 One who believes that petroleum depletion will inevitably lead to a severe recession or depression, followed by a Malthusian catastrophe. 2 (context rare English) One who, or that which, dooms.
A doomer is a futurist who believes that problems of ecological exhaustion (such as over population, climate change, pollution, and especially peak oil), will cause the collapse of industrial civilization, and a significant human population die-off. Many doomers are also survivalists. or preppers.
Peak-oil doomers suggests that humanity's over-reliance on petroleum for agricultural and industrial productivity will cause severe problems on the down-slope of peak oil. By contrast a "peakist" would be one who has a lighter view on the implications of peak oil, although this label has been dismissed from within the movement as vacuous. "Boomsters" takes the opposite, cornucopian position.