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Donders is a surname and may refer to:

  • Franciscus Donders (1818–1889), Dutch ophthalmologist
  • Peter Donders (1807–1887), Dutch Roman Catholic Missionary

Usage examples of "donders".

This fact, which has been fully investigated for me with the greatest kindness by Professors Donders of Utrecht, throws, as we shall hereafter see, a flood of light on several of the most important expressions of the human countenance.

Professor Donders, of Utrecht,[14] well known as one of the highest authorities in Europe on vision and on the structure of the eye, has most kindly undertaken for me this investigation with the aid of the many ingenious mechanisms of modern science, and has published the results.

Bell's observations, and more especially from the more careful investigations by Professor Donders, that the firm closure of the eyelids during the screaming of children is an action full of meaning and of real service.

Bell's explanation of the fact, which rests on the assumption that certain muscles are more under the control of the will than others is, as I hear from Professor Donders, incorrect.

Professor Donders has, with his usual kindness, investigated this subject for me.

Professor Donders attributes this divergence to the almost complete relaxation of certain muscles of the eyes, which would be apt to follow from the mind being wholly absorbed.

Professor Donders has also often seen dilatation of the pupils in incipient faintness.