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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dominical \Do*min"ic*al\, a. [LL. dominicalis, for L. dominicus belonging to a master or lord (dominica dies the Lord's day), fr. dominus master or lord: cf. F. dominical. See Dame.]

  1. Indicating, or pertaining to, the Lord's day, or Sunday.

  2. Relating to, or given by, our Lord; as, the dominical (or Lord's) prayer.

    Some words altered in the dominical Gospels.

    Dominical altar (Eccl.), the high altar.

    Dominical letter, the letter which, in almanacs, denotes Sunday, or the Lord's day (dies Domini). The first seven letters of the alphabet are used for this purpose, the same letter standing for Sunday during a whole year (except in leap year, when the letter is changed at the end of February). After twenty-eight years the same letters return in the same order. The dominical letters go backwards one day every common year, and two every leap year; e. g., if the dominical letter of a common year be G, F will be the dominical letter for the next year. Called also Sunday letter. Cf. Solar cycle, under Cycle, n.


Dominical \Do*min"ic*al\, n. The Lord's day or Sunday; also, the Lord's prayer. [Obs.]


a. 1 (context rare English) Pertaining to the Lord's Day, Sunday. 2 (context historical English) Pertaining to the dominical letter, an ancient system for determining Sundays (particularly Easter Sunday) in any given year. n. 1 (context obsolete English) Sunday 2 (context obsolete English) The Lord's Prayer.

  1. adj. of or relating to or coming from Jesus Christ

  2. of or relating to Sunday as the Lord's Day


Dominical may refer to:

  • Dominical, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
  • Dominical, Chiriquí, Panama
  • Dominical letter
  • Dominical saying

Usage examples of "dominical".

Hence the following table of dominical letters for four hundred years will serve to show the dominical letter of any year in the Gregorian calendar for ever.

Aside from teaching in the school and to voluntarily give its time to the program of gymnastics for children with physical incapacities, and to teach to read adult women, also it taught in the dominical school, it sang in the choir, it cooked cakes for the fairs of the church, and wove to help to reunite bottoms for a new seat for the firemen.