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domestic fowl

n. a domesticated gallinaceous bird though to be descended from the red jungle fowl [syn: fowl, poultry]

Usage examples of "domestic fowl".

Now that includes domestic fowl, avocados, olives, citrus, nuts, and artichokes.

So most of the meals we took at inns were, when not fish, either wild or domestic fowl.

Even if she were released in the woods, she'd probably prey on the domestic fowl.

When Philip caught up with him, standing in his courtyard, feeding his domestic fowl with handfuls of grain, Paine was dressed like many of the other Revolutionary officials Radcliffe had seen thus far in France: a blue coat over a red waistcoat, long hair pulled back and tied without wig or powder.

Reader, did you ever perchance, when in a farm-yard, observe hen or other domestic fowl, who having pounced upon half a potato, or something of the same description too large to be bolted down at once, tries to escape with her prize, followed by all the rest, until she either drops it or eludes their vigilance?

The villagers kept cattle and pigs and domestic fowl of all sorts as well, and for the very few things that they didn't produce for themselves, they had a fairly simple method of obtaining them.

Just as the bland domestic fowl lacks the refreshing tang of the game bird, so our wives' faded looks can hardly compare with the youth and glamour of these fledglings of the boudoir.