Dombé is a town on the north bank of the Buzi River in the Sussundenga District of Manica Province in central Mozambique. During the Frelimo- Renamo struggle of the 70s to early 90s it was a strategic town where the FPLM maintained a heavy mechanized presence, since the Chimoio-Dombé- Espungabera road link which offered access to Zimbabwe, was repeatedly attacked and disrupted by insurgents. In 2010 the Dombé-Espungabera road was being rehabilitated, which was expected to improve the area's economic and tourism potential. The road is easier to travel during the dry months, from May to November, and then at about 50 km/h. Dombé has a fuel station but supplies can run out.
Usage examples of "dombe".
The larger village of Dombe should be a few kilometers out on his left flank, but he could pick out no indication of its exact whereabouts.
On the other hand, if Dombe were still inhabited, it would certainly be either a Frelimo or Renamo stronghold.
Though decorated with the title of Sovereignty, like its neighbour the Principality of Dombes, it is no less a fief-land of the Crown.
Majesty, this evening, that I offer to give, at once, to his dear and amiable child the County of Eu and my Sovereignty of Dombes, adding the revenues to them if it is necessary.
The Marquis de Lauzun took her at her word, and never forgave her for the cession of the principalities of Dombes and Eu to M.
An old man of Dombes who foretold the future by shaking grains of barley on a sieve, was thrown into a well.
An ancient anonymous annalist, a monk of Dombes, relates that a woman called Orberosia was possessed by the devil in a cavern where, even down to his own days, the little boys and girls of the village used to play at a sort of game representing the devil and the fair Orberosia.