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Dolinsk-Sokol (air base)
For the regional civilian airport at Magadan, Russia see Sokol Airport.

Dolinsk-Sokol is a military air base in Sakhalin Oblast, Russia located 8 km south of Dolinsk. It is a small base with quite a few hardened hangars (aircraft shelters).

It existed before June 1966 according to declassified KH-7 satellite images. Its chief operating unit was 365 IAP (365th Interceptor Aviation Regiment), flying the Su-15, MiG-23, and Su-27 during its 40 years of tenure. In the 1980s it received the MiG-31. It is also listed as being home to 361 IIVP (361st Instruction Test Helicopter Regiment) flying Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopters.

Dolinsk-Sokol is famous for being home to the Sukhoi Su-15 that shot down Korean Air Flight 007 near Moneron Island in September 1983. At that time, base commander was General Anatoly Kornukov, who later become Commander of the Russian Air Force. At the time of the shootdown, Kornukov apparently ordered the shootdown to prevent KAL 007 from leaving Sakhalin airspace.