The Collaborative International Dictionary
Doleful \Dole"ful\, a. Full of dole or grief; expressing or exciting sorrow; sorrowful; sad; dismal.
With screwed face and doleful whine.
Regions of sorrow, doleful shades.
Syn: Piteous; rueful; sorrowful; woeful; melancholy; sad gloomy; dismal; dolorous; woe-begone. -- Dole"ful*ly, adv. -- Dole"ful*ness, n.
adv. In a doleful manner
adv. with sadness; in a sorrowful manner; "his mother looked at him dolefully when he told her he had joined the Army" [syn: sorrowfully]
Usage examples of "dolefully".
Jumping Snake repeated so often and so dolefully that the others wanted to silence him, but he was a senior chief with many coups and his lamentations continued.
The horse again lowered its neck and neighed dolefully, and the Arab let his arm drop.
Irained inslincls lell me lhal we are aboul to recieve news which will soon ring dolefully along the corridors at Sector HQ.
John Bull, however, has not yet awakened sufficiently to listen to his overtures, but sits up in bed, dolefully rubbing his eyes, and bemoaning the evanishment of his protectionist dream-- altogether realising tolerably, he and his land, Dr.
A bittersweet passage, Ferries ev'rywhere upon that cold and cloud-torn Styx, Bells dolefully a-bang in the Murk, strange little gaff-rigg'd coasters and lighters veering all over the Water, stack'd high abovedecks with Cargo, a prosperous Hell.
He couldn't see her expression but was dolefully certain that she was even then preparing a homily about -the shortcomings of bullies who went around clobbering elderly and defenceless American actors.
Doremus fixed a commiserating look on the Sergeant and shook his head dolefully.
Slouched on the antique deacon's bench, he stared dolefully at his shoe tops.
She swept her arm around at the women in the jammedtogether beds, moaning and shrieking in Polish, at others sitting up dolefully on beds or low stools, with fat white breasts and brown nipples bared to infants, at the three pallid sweating doctors moving from bed to bed, at the hastening nurses, some in soiled bloodstained white dresses like herself, with hair bound in white cloths, some in dark gray nun's habits.
She was still pondering these things when she went at Gorlois's side to the mass, and listened to the priest singing dolefully about the judgment of God and the day of wrath when the soul should face eternal damnation.
The horse again lowered its neck and neighed dolefully, and the Arab let his arm drop.