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a. (obsolete spelling of doleful English)

Usage examples of "dolefull".

Socrates on the other side and thrust her sword up to the hilts into the left part of his necke, and received the bloud that gushed out, into a pot, that no drop thereof fell beside : which things I saw with mine own eyes, and as I thinke to the intent that she might alter nothing that pertained to sacrifice, which she accustomed to make, she thrust her hand down into the intrals of his body, and searching about, at length brought forth the heart of my miserable companion Socrates, who having his throat cut in such sort, yeelded out a dolefull cry, and gave up the ghost.

But verily our good Captaine Thrasileon, the honour of our comfort, received his death so patiently, that he would not bewray the league betweene us, either by crying, howling, or any other meanes, but being torn with dogs and wounded with weapons, did yeeld forth a dolefull cry, more like unto a beast than a man.

After all these there marcht a most faire Dame,Led of two grysie villeins, th'one Despight,The other cleped Cruelty by name:She dolefull Lady, like a dreary Spright,Cald by strong charmes out of eternall night,Had deathes owne image figurd in her face,Full of sad signes, fearefull to liuing sight.

The wyld woodgods arriued in the place,There find the virgin dolefull desolate,With ruffled rayments, and faire blubbred face,As her outrageous foe had left her late,And trembling yet through feare of former hate.

Ere long they come, where that same wicked wightHis dwelling has, low in an hollow caue,Farre vnderneath a craggie clift ypight,Darke, dolefull, drearie, like a greedie graue,That still for carrion carcases doth craue:On top whereof aye dwelt the ghastly Owle,Shrieking his balefull note, which euer draueFarre from that haunt all other chearefull fowle.

In that same conflict (woe is me) befellThis fatall chaunce, this dolefull accident,Whose heauy tydings now I haue to tell.

Now twenty daies, by which the sonnes of menDiuide their works, haue past through heuen sheene,Since I was brought into this dolefull den.

Euen all the nation of vnfortunateAnd fatall birds about them flocked were,Such as by nature men abhorre and hate,The ill-faste Owle, deaths dreadfull messengere,The hoars Night-rauen, trump of dolefull drere,The lether-winged Bat, dayes enimy,The ruefull Strich, still waiting on the bere,The Whistler shrill, that who so heares, doth dy,The hellish Harpies, prophets of sad destiny.

Not long after from behinde a mat that divided the house, was made the most dolefullest noyse he ever heard: then Powhatan more like a devill than a man with some two hundred more as blacke as himseffe, came unto him and told him now they were friends, and presently he should goe to James town, to send him two great gunnes, and a gryndstone, for which he would give him the country of Capahowojick, and for ever esteeme him as his sonn Nantaquoud.