Dokkoida?!, known in Japan as is a comedic Japanese light novel series about a boy, , who is hired by a preteen space alien girl, Tanpopo, to try out an experimental new suit developed by the intergalactic toy company that she works for. Suzuo agrees to work for her since he is unemployed and needs the job to pay the rent. The suit gives him super powers, with which he fights bad guys and people from rival intergalactic toy companies and organizations.
The novels were written by Taro Achi, with illustrations by Yu Yagami. The novels were adapted into a three-volume manga series with the same name, by the same authors and published by Dengeki Bunko, and an anime series, directed by Hitoyuki Matsui and Takuya Nonaka, produced by Ufotable, and aired by Mainichi Broadcasting System.
The Dokkoida anime was licensed by Geneon Entertainment for Region 1 distribution, and the manga adaptation was licensed by DC Comics under the CMX imprint; the original light novel series has not been licensed for distribution in North America. The anime series is now licensed by Sentai Filmworks and is currently streaming on The Anime Network.