Dokiparru is a village in Gudlavalleru mandal, located in Krishna district of Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
It has Jakkancharla, Pasumarru, Persepalli, Maamidi mukkala villages as its boundaries. Main occupation of the people here is cultivation. Here people grow paddy, black gram and green gram. Temperature ranges between 40-47°C during summer, and 12-28°C during winter. It takes 45 min to 1 hour to reach from Machilipatnam, and 2-3 hours from Vijayawada. Vijayawada is 60 km away, Machilipatnam is 17 km far, Gudivada is 19 km from Dokiparru.
People of diverse religions stay here. Also has plenty of Hindu temples, Masjid's and Churches.
Nearby Railway station is Kavutaram Station which is 1.5 km from Dokiparru village. Business tycoons of this village are in plan to make this village a role model in the entire state.