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DogmaTone Records is a registered Indian record label, formed with the objective of promoting and encouraging Indian rock music. DogmaTone Records has released an album titled The First Mutiny : Dogmas of Indian Rock. This was a compilation of India's unknown, yet talented rock bands.

DogmaTone Records is headquartered in Bangalore and have representatives in Hyderabad, Mumbai and Chennai. DogmaTone Records promotes the music of a band and also conducts stage shows, reviews in trade magazines, etc.

The First Mutiny : Dogmas of Indian Rock was DogmaTone Records' first release that received reasonable success and acclaim.

DogmaTone Records has now shown involvement in encouraging young rock bands, by offering winners of college festival Rock competitions, a record deal. According to the team behind DogmaTone Records, tie-ups with premiere educational institutions of India to make this a yearly process are currently in progress.