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n. (plural of doghouse English)

Usage examples of "doghouses".

Feature articles appeared in magazines about Doghouses Unlimited and its elusive founder, Robert Redford, who refused to be interviewed and in fact could not be found.

Statistics were gathered showing that not only did seven percent of the American public have doghouses, but also that 99.

Each doghouse relayed the same signal in an unending chain that gradually spread all over the world-- wherever doghouses could be found.

And instead of standing out in the snow, they curled up in the warmth of their doghouses and slept.

Each doghouse relayed the same signal in an unending chain that gradually spread all over the world—wherever doghouses could be found.

Dogs barked up and down Hilltop Street, roused from their doghouses by the commotion.

On each side of the tumbling Rio Temchic, small huts, not much larger than doghouses, lined the stream.