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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dog-faced \Dog"-faced`\, a. Having a face resembling that of a dog.

Dog-faced baboon (Zo["o]l.), any baboon of the genus Cynocephalus. See Drill.

Usage examples of "dog-faced".

When Abdullah arrived he found Otei wearing an oversized mail hauberk and a visored, dog-faced bascinet, edged with gold leaf, a heraldic crest of silver and gold centered on its brow and a wealth of brightly dyed plumes socketed atop its crown.

His mount was bigger but his armor was just as ancient and sketchyjazeran and dog-faced basinet with a two-hand claidheamh, five feet in the blade.

The tattooed man -- BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP -- was flanked by portraits of Jo-Jo, the Dog-faced Boy, and Princess Sophia, the Bearded Lady.

This dog-faced congenital anomaly, almost every inch of his face, his body covered with long lanugo hair, pale baby-fine hair?

In the land of monkeys we see a servant leading a dog-faced baboon.

The adventure with the dog-faced baboons returned to his memory, and he placed his hand on the doctor's shoulder.

There were six freaks: the Dog-Faced Boy, the India Rubber Man, the Missing Link, the Cyclops, and the two females.

The imp shook his dog-faced head, his floppy ears waggling about the sides of his canine face.