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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dodecagon \Do*dec"a*gon\, n. [Gr. ? twelve + ? angle: cf. F. dod['e]cagone.] (Geom.) A figure or polygon bounded by twelve sides and containing twelve angles. [1913 Webster] ||


n. (context geometry English) a polygon with twelve edges and twelve angles


n. a twelve-sided polygon


In geometry, a dodecagon or 12-gon is any twelve-sided polygon.

Usage examples of "dodecagon".

As you well can imagine I felt safe only after the doors of the Dodecagon had closed behind me.

Besides, we will have nothing to fear from them so long as Marandon remains in the Dodecagon and so long as his portfolio is kept in our vaults.

Professor Esprels informed General Favre that Sir Samuel Rides had come to the Dodecagon in order to hand over to Marandon data which was indispensable to the completion of his formulas.

Claude Noroy, professor at the College de France to General Favre-Perronnet, chief of the army general staff, director of the Dodecagon, and president of the council of national defense.

Marandon telling you at the Dodecagon, General, the strange events which took place at the station of Thenissey.

Cabinet, the top military men of the Dodecagon and, of course, Andor Gosma.

A month or two found even the Dodecagons infected with the innovation.

A month or two found even the Dodecagons infected with the innovation.