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n. (plural of doctrine English)

Usage examples of "doctrines".

But to suppose that men with minds so constituted as to accept such statements and embrace such doctrines as make up the so-called science of Homoeopathy are more competent than others to regulate the circumstances which influence the human body in health and disease, would be judging very harshly the average capacity of ordinary practitioners.

Homoeopathy has come before our public at a period when the growing spirit of eclecticism has prepared many ingenious and honest minds to listen to all new doctrines with a candor liable to degenerate into weakness.

So much for the doctrines of Hahnemann, which have been stated without comment, or exaggeration of any of their features, very much as any adherent of his opinions might have stated them, if obliged to compress them into so narrow a space.

Many persons, and most physicians and scientific men, would be satisfied with the statement of these doctrines, and examine them no further.

We know very little of its medical schools, its medical doctrines, or its medical men, compared with those of England and France.

Homoeopathic doctrines, and that I am represented as one of the warmest partisans of Homoeopathy in France.

I spurn far from me everything which relates to that charlatanism called Homoeopathy, for these pretended doctrines cannot endure the scrutiny of wise and enlightened persons, who are guided by honorable sentiments in the practice of the noblest of arts.

His doctrines were a complete revolution of the prevailing opinions of all antiquity.

It gropes among the loose records of the past, and the floating fables of the moment, to glean a few truths or falsehoods tending to prove, if they prove anything, that the persons who have passed their lives in the study of a branch of knowledge the very essence of which must always consist in long and accurate observation, are less competent to judge of new doctrines in their own department than the rest of the community.

I am right, let doctrines which lead to professional homicide be no longer taught from the chairs of those two great Institutions.

The effect which these doctrines have upon the confidence reposed in the profession is a matter of opinion.

The doctrines of the convertibility or specific equivalence of the various forms of force, and of its conservation, which is its logical consequence, are very generally accepted, as I believe, at the present time, among physicists.

Hartley, in 1784, had anticipated many of the doctrines which have since been systematized into the theory of reflex actions, and with which I have attempted to associate this act of reflex vision.

So of other doctrines, each new Avatar strips them of some of their old pretensions, until they take their fitting place at last, if they have any truth in them, or disappear, if they were mere phantasms of the imagination.

His notions of disease were based on what he had observed, seen always in the light of the traditional doctrines in which he was bred.