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docking station

n. (context computing English) A piece of hardware into which a laptop computer can be plugged for use as a desktop computer, peripherals such as the monitor being connected directly to the docking station.

Docking station

In computing, a docking station or port replicator or dock provides a simplified way of "plugging-in" an electronic device such as a laptop computer to common peripherals. Because a wide range of dockable devices—from mobile telephones to wireless mice—have different connectors, power signaling, and uses, docks are not standardized and are therefore often designed with a specific make and model of a device in mind.

A dock can allow some laptop computers to become a substitute for a desktop computer, without sacrificing the mobile computing functionality of the machine. Portable computers can dock and undock hot, cold or standby, depending on the capabilities of the system. In a cold dock or undock, one completely shuts the computer down before docking/undocking. In a hot dock or undock, the computer remains running when docked/undocked. Standby docking or undocking, an intermediate style used in some designs, allows the computer to be docked/undocked while powered on, but requires that it be placed into a sleep mode prior to docking/undocking.

Usage examples of "docking station".

The Station itself had a scuffed old clunker of a freighter nuzzled into one docking station, and two small chartered passenger vessels spaced around the ring from it.

The artificial gravity was evidently now shut down in the docking station.

Surrounded by a full retinue of guards, Hathor marched through the docking station to board her ship.

One morning she visited a pressurised module she'd set up in one of the huge freight elevators that connected the factory sections to the docking station.

The quartet took the private launch up to the geosynchro-nously orbiting docking station.

His greatest fear was for the shuttle docking station and its spare fuel stores.

Janeway watched the lights of cities twinkle up through the clouds, and then the spaceport of an orbital docking station appeared over the horizon.

There was nothing illegal about it, with her ship secured in the FedCentral Docking Station.

She had never brought a ship in to Federation Central's Docking Station before.