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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Docket \Dock"et\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Docketed; p. pr. & vb. n. Docketing.]

  1. To make a brief abstract of (a writing) and indorse it on the back of the paper, or to indorse the title or contents on the back of; to summarize; as, to docket letters and papers.

  2. (Law)

    1. To make a brief abstract of and inscribe in a book; as, judgments regularly docketed.

    2. To enter or inscribe in a docket, or list of causes for trial.

  3. To mark with a ticket; as, to docket goods.


n. The act by which something is docketed. vb. (present participle of docket English)

Usage examples of "docketing".

If this view is adopted, our memory of a thing is our retention within the brain of a small leaven of the actual thing itself, or of what quâ us is the thing that is remembered, and the ease with which habitual actions come to be performed is due to the power of the vibrations having been increased and modified by continual accession from without till they modify the molecular disturbances of the nervous system, and therefore its material substance, which we have already settled to be only our way of docketing molecular disturbances.

Ogama said, docketing that for immediate action without waiting for guidance.

The idea which had possessed him walking home in the moonlight sustained him in that melancholy task of docketing and destruction.

For many years he had adopted a system of docketing all paragraphs concerning men and things, so that it was difficult to name a subject or a person on which he could not at once furnish information.

Brannel said, docketing "injenooety" as a word of the linga esoterka he had not previously known.