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contraction (eye dialect of don't English)

Usage examples of "doan'".

You go en git in de river agin, whah you b'longs, en doan' do nuffn to Ole Jim, 'at 'uz awluz yo' fren'.

Dey's mighty good to me, dese niggers is, en whatever I wants 'm to do fur me I doan' have to ast 'm twice, honey.

No, sah, gimme g'yarter-snakes, 'f I's got to have 'm, but doan' gimme no rats.

No, sah -- I doan' budge a step out'n dis place 'dout a doctor, not if it's forty year!

To her brother: "Well, doan' forget to visit, before they post yo's back east.

Citizens doan' lay hand to me without they got permission or provocation.

Mistis Tanya, she downright easy goin', fo' a Draka, long as yo' doan' cross her.

I's not sayin' nothin' bad doan' happen, but"—she gestured helplessly, as if trying to pluck words out of the air—"not everythin' is bad, unless yo' makes it so.

Well," she amended "not unless they sets out to, which the ones which owns us doan', speakin' general-like.

I's do my work, takes the days one at a time, doan' hurt nobody, helps those I can.

Seeing the look of puzzlement, she continued: "The fieldhands' quarters, the village, the mastahs doan' like folks livin' scattered about, wants 'em all near the Great House.

As is, we keep the squadrons goin' by keepin' preassembled subsystems on hand, jus' jerkin' anything that doan' work and sendin' them back to the factory.

doan' do nothin' foolish… but look, Chantal, when they knows, they leave yo' alone, doan' bed yo' fo' a year or mo'.

Then I make him feel real good, an' I tells him yo' bearin', and gets him to say yo' doan' have to bedwench no mo'.