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DML may refer to:

  • Demonstrated Master Logistician, a certification bestowed by the International Society of Logistics (SOLE)
  • Data manipulation language, a family of computer languages used by computer programs or database users to retrieve, insert, delete and update data in a database
  • Dimensional Markup language, is an XML format definition tailored to the needs of dimensional results for discrete manufacturing
  • Devonport Management Limited, owner of Her Majesty's Naval Base Devonport
  • Dragon Models Limited, a Hong Kong-based company that manufactures plastic model assembly kits
  • Dennis Miller Live, an HBO television talk-comedy show with Dennis Miller
  • Distributed mode loudspeaker, a speaker technology developed by Cambridge-based company called NXT
  • Definitive Media Library, in ITIL Service Transition
  • Doctor of Modern Languages, an academic degree focusing on multiple modern languages and cultures