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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
be divorced from reality (=not connected in any way to what is really happening)
▪ His ideas are completely divorced from reality.
▪ It's too easy, as a divorced man living away from your children, to buy into self-pity.
▪ The same holds for divorced men.
▪ In addition many divorced men re-marry and have second families.
▪ Generally speaking, a widower or divorced man was three times as likely to remarry as his female counterpart throughout the period.
▪ Slightly more divorced men, 37,000, marry single women.
▪ I even joined a group for divorced men but in the end I left because it fed my negativity instead of alleviating it.
▪ Allred said she had been retained by the divorced parents of the boy to represent his interests.
▪ It is understood the girl's divorced parents have reconciled.
▪ By contrast, only 20% of divorced parents with children succeeded in stopping smoking.
▪ Sometimes divorced parents will jointly host their daughter's wedding.
▪ Her divorced parents have undergone a reconciliation.
▪ There were also changes in the numbers and age distribution of widowed and divorced women.
▪ The bulk of this increase comes from families headed by a lone woman and, most often, a divorced woman.
▪ This is due inpart to rising divorce rates, but also because remarriage rates among divorced women have fallen in recent years.
divorced women
▪ At twenty-five Maria is now divorced, and lives with her three children.
▪ He's living with a divorced woman and her two children.
▪ More than 80% of divorced men, and 75% of divorced women, go on to remarry.
▪ Sue's parents are divorced.
▪ They got divorced only three years after they got married.
▪ Yes, she used to be married, but she's been divorced since last year.
▪ After one year Charles suddenly divorced Desiderata on the grounds that she was barren and weak.
▪ By contrast, only 20% of divorced parents with children succeeded in stopping smoking.
▪ During the few minutes they chatted, apart from mentioning he was divorced, he did not bring up Liza's name.
▪ He's divorced and doesn't seem to have a job or much money.
▪ Last week, I received a touching postcard from a recently divorced friend in Bonn thanking me for a letter.
▪ The Bishop takes an old-fashioned high church view on divorced clergy.
▪ The same holds for divorced men.
▪ We are getting divorced, after the first flush of twenties marriages.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

divorced \divorced\ adj. having a marriage legally terminated and having not remarried.

  1. 1 cut off, or separated. 2 (context of a marriage English) legally dissolved. 3 (context of persons formerly married English) Having had one's marriage legally dissolved. v

  2. (en-past of: divorce)


adj. of someone whose marriage has been legally dissolved

Divorced (1951 film)

Divorced is a 1951 Swedish drama film directed by Gustaf Molander and written by Ingmar Bergman.

Divorced (1943 film)

Divorced'' (Spanish title:Divorciadas'') is a 1943 Mexican drama film directed by Alejandro Galindo and starring Blanca de Castejón, René Cardona and Milisa Sierra. The film's sets were designed by the art director Jesús Bracho.

Usage examples of "divorced".

When they finally divorced, only a few weeks after Sarah had entered college, it had been a relief for all three of them.

She had been married to Jeff Halsey, the heir of a wealthy Houston family, but they had divorced five years ago.

They divorced quietly, Jeff married Helene as soon as it was legally possible, and within a year Helene had presented him with a son.

Not only that, I've been divorced, and a white wedding is out of the question, if we can even have a church wedding at all.

She was a divorced woman, several years older, who lived in a small town fifty miles distant.

Adrian Pendley was Caroline's fly in the ointment on this particular assignment He was tall and good-looking, divorced, and unrelentingly negative about having Caroline on the team.

Mercer had divorced the year before, and his style of living had gone noticeably upward.

She literally ached, as if she had been beaten, yet felt somehow divorced from her body.

According to her friend outside, there’s an ex-husband who lives in Minnesota, but they’ve been divorced for twenty years, and it’s been almost that long since Sheets had any contact with him.

He told her they’d be married when he divorced his wife, but the time wasn’t right while he was building his career.

She was thirty-six, divorced, and had absolutely no intention of staying that way.

He was divorced, the letter said, so perhaps he had lost his first wife precisely because he was so busy.

She remarried, too, you know, less than a year after your divorce, but she was never happy and divorced him a couple of years ago.

If she had simply divorced him, her inheritance wouldn't have been as much, because despite Jessie's threats she had to have known that Lucinda wouldn't have disinherited him just because they'd divorced.

And if we'd been divorced, instead of things happening the way they did, I'd have been married to Roanna for a long time now.