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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A prime number is a number that is not exactly divisible by any other number.
▪ Actually, Guardian letters are divisible.
▪ After examining such evidence, the Oregon court agreed with the teacher that the contract was not divisible into two parts.
▪ He preferred to do things in threes because he favored numbers divisible by three.
▪ It applied the methods of Kent campus to imaginary grievances in a divided, or divisible, community in Northern Ireland.
▪ The central nervous system is divisible into the brain or cerebral ganglion, the suboesophageal ganglion and the ventral nerve-cord. 1.
▪ The reason I ran was divisible in at least two parts.
▪ These goods are divisible in that they come in units small enough to be afforded by individual buyers.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Divisible \Di*vis"i*ble\, a. [L. divisibilis, fr. dividere: cf. F. divisible. See Divide.] Capable of being divided or separated.

Extended substance . . . is divisible into parts.
--Sir W. Hamilton.

Divisible contract (Law), a contract containing agreements one of which can be separated from the other.

Divisible offense (Law), an offense containing a lesser offense in one of a greater grade, so that on the latter there can be an acquittal, while on the former there can be a conviction. -- Di*vis"i*ble*ness, n. -- Di*vis"i*bly, adv.


Divisible \Di*vis"i*ble\, n. A divisible substance.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Old French divisibile, from Late Latin divisibilis, from divis-, past participle stem of Latin dividere (see divide (v.)).


a. 1 Capable of being divided or split. 2 (context arithmetic English) Of an integer, that, when divided by another integer, leaves no remainder. n. Any substance that can be divided.


adj. capable of being or liable to be divided or separated; "even numbers are divisible by two"; "the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible" [ant: indivisible]

Usage examples of "divisible".

According to the Gregorian rule of intercalation, therefore, every year of which the number is divisible by four without a remainder is a leap year, excepting the centurial years, which are only leap years when divisible by four after omitting the two ciphers.

We don't project allegories upon the ruins, so much as we restlessly traverse the bifurcations of Borgesian labyrinths: the infinitely divisible straight line suggested at the end of "Death and the Compass," or the proliferating multiplicities of "The Garden of Forking Paths.

Keeler predicted the second Prohibition, the special Vigesimal Mail election that requires that votes be mailed in on years evenly divisible by the number 22 -- which insured blacks having a chance to get the polls in the South -- a logical conclusion that I'm sure you all see.

The number 60, apart from being a multiple of 12, is evenly divisible by more integers than any lesser number, and thus was useful for dividing hours into minutes and seconds, since you could readily noodle out your fractions.

The pistil is generally divisible into the ovary or germen, the style and the stigma.