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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Divest \Di*vest"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Divested; p. pr. & vb. n. Divesting.] [LL. divestire (di- = dis- + L. vestire to dress), equiv. to L. devestire. It is the same word as devest, but the latter is rarely used except as a technical term in law. See Devest, Vest.]

  1. To unclothe; to strip, as of clothes, arms, or equipage; -- opposed to invest.

  2. Fig.: To strip; to deprive; to dispossess; as, to divest one of his rights or privileges; to divest one's self of prejudices, passions, etc.

    Wretches divested of every moral feeling.

    The tendency of the language to divest itself of its gutturals.

  3. (Law) See Devest.
    --Mozley & W.


vb. (en-past of: divest)

Usage examples of "divested".

That canceled a huge part of the debt we were running up, and in parallel with that we divested some other assets to holding companies and reassigned share ownership of the core company to Amethi residents.

As she, piece by piece, divested him of his Western garb, he felt more and more a stranger to himself.

Mattias, King have divested themselves of the other half —reneged on their commitment at the worst possible moment, just when we've come to the final phase.

When he saw the state the group was in, and how impatient they were to swim clean, he simply divested himself of his clothes and swam from one to another, hearing their reports.

Quite how and why its founding company, Kaba, had divested itself of such a primary asset was never detailed in the briefings the platoon were given.

Quickly he divested himself of his fine velvet coat, his waistcoat and his scabbard, and pulled off the heavy riding boots, caked with mud.

I said, while Emerson divested himself of various articles of clothing and tossed them around the room.

He had also divested himself of his extraneous garments and was sitting on the floor by Nefret's chair.

No sooner had Kris divested herself of her burden than Zainal touched her arm and gestured for her to join him in reporting to Mitford.

As he divested himself of the bow and arrow sheath, she took a second, longer drink, carefully replaced the plug, and handed it back to him.

So as it was pretty late now, and he was unwilling to ring his bell at that hour of the night, he slipped on his coat, of which he had just divested himself, and taking the japanned candlestick in his hand, walked quietly downstairs.

Pickwick sat down on the rush-bottomed chair, and leisurely divested himself of his shoes and gaiters.

Here, in the twinkling of an eye, he divested himself of his coat, put on a threadbare garment, which he took out of a desk, hung up his hat, pulled forth a few sheets of cartridge and blotting-paper in alternate layers, and, sticking a pen behind his ear, rubbed his hands with an air of great satisfaction.