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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Diverge \Di*verge"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Diverged; p. pr. & vb. n. Diverging.] [L. di- = dis- + vergere to bend, incline. See Verge.]

  1. To extend from a common point in different directions; to tend from one point and recede from each other; to tend to spread apart; to turn aside or deviate (as from a given direction); -- opposed to converge; as, rays of light diverge as they proceed from the sun.

  2. To differ from a typical form; to vary from a normal condition; to dissent from a creed or position generally held or taken.


Diverging \Di*ver"ging\, a. Tending in different directions from a common center; spreading apart; divergent.

Diverging series (Math.), a series whose terms are larger as the series is extended; a series the sum of whose terms does not approach a finite limit when the series is extended indefinitely; -- opposed to a converging series.


vb. (present participle of diverge English)


adj. tending to move apart in different directions [syn: divergent] [ant: convergent]

Usage examples of "diverging".

Separated bands of cousins went their diverging genetic ways, adapting to new challenges, discovering diverse techniques for living.

Now and then my touch would reveal a doorless intersecting passage, and I several times encountered junctions with two, three, and four diverging avenues.

The public image of Enron and the reality of its operations were diverging more each day-and not just because of accounting gimmicks.

The societies are pluralistic, constantly diverging in design and philosophies.

The expeditionary force will form three separate columns of attack, advance under cover of darkness and total silence along diverging routes of march, turn at predesignated points and converge upon Able Hill in a three-pronged pincer movement.

We had no means of making a light, and so groped our way slowly into the ever-increasing darkness, Tars Tarkas keeping in touch with one wall while I felt along the other, while, to prevent our wandering into diverging branches and becoming separated or lost in some intricate and labyrinthine maze, we clasped hands.

Between Jefferson and Adams there was no discussion of their diverging views.

One of the best was a big old Art Deco Cadillac dealership, a glass-walled flatiron of a building set in the angle of two diverging avenues.

Globalism and tribalism have run to completion, diverging respectively into homogeneous interoperability and the Schwarzschild radius of insularity.

Lines A and B, which have been emphasized in this sketch, are the type lines, starting parallel, diverging at the line C and surrounding the pattern area, which is emphasized in figure 12 by eliminating all the ridges within the pattern area.

But there are numerous schismatic sects which hold opinions diverging from it in regard to the nature and destiny of the human soul.

According to Kellaart, three inconspicuous brown dorsal streaks diverging and terminating on the crupper, and some very indistinct spots seen only in some lights.

Both unite in making the thrust of life divide in more and more diverging but complementary directions, each emphasising some distinct aspect of its original wealth.

Sally Anne screamed and the two men jumped from the Land-Rover and ran, cocking their rifles, diverging to give each other covering fire, Craig finding his old training returning instinctively.

Thus the varieties or modified descendants, proceeding from the common parent (A), will generally go on increasing in number and diverging in character.