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vb. (en-third-person singular of: divaricate)

Usage examples of "divaricates".

Now that he had regained his health -- in decidedly advanced medical conditions not favored by divaricates -- he was eager to tell his story again, to provide all the details he knew.

To pass undetected among the Lenk divaricates, who carried no such implants, I had been stripped of my extra voices and eyes and minds.

The divaricates had not brought weapons with them, the informer had said, yet this gun was metal, heavy, smoothly machined to judge by the sound.

It was an anachronism -- a late twentieth-century design favored by the divaricates, who shunned all later technology.

I went to the old _Greater Starship Encyclopedia_ that had come as standard issue with these slates when they had been made -- reproductions of twentieth-century antiques -- for divaricates on Thistledown.

Naderite women -- particularly divaricates -- seemed a different breed from Geshel women.

Something had changed in the divaricates on their arrival in Lamarckia.

But divaricates had generally had no more children on Thistledown than other Naderites, no more even than most Geshels.

The divaricates kept their political scheme, and never did I sense a place for me in that scheme.