Dittewal is a village in Gujrat, Pakistan. There is a very large village. It has about 3000-5000 inhabitants. The village consists of a center where there are supermarkets and a room with a pool table where children can come to play. There are also many shops in key Dittewal which features can buy watches and guns etc. Capacity for house is incredibly much because there are many plots where you can build more houses. There is a nice road that goes from a village called Vans and it goes to the end point where the village is Dinga. Between the two villages so there are many villages like Dhol, Shabdiwal, Dalibant and so located Dittewal crucial between all villages. The population of Dittewal thrive very well, but in most houses where there are not so many facilities, but those who live there cares little about it because they have now become accustomed to living without amenities. Facilities missing most of central Dittewal but the residences located at the road has good facilities which they live well off. There are approximately 5 km from Dittewal to the midpoint of Gujrat.
Category:Gujrat Category:Villages in Punjab, Pakistan