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n. evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes; bark formerly used medicinally [syn: dita bark, devil tree, Alstonia scholaris]


Dita may refer to:

  • Constantina Dita, a Romanian Olympic marathon champion
  • Darwin Information Typing Architecture, abbreviated DITA; an XML-based architecture for authoring
  • Dita de Leon, an American actress
  • Dita Field Hockey, a company that produces field hockey merchandise
  • Dita Parlo, a German actress
  • Dita Von Teese, an American burlesque artist
  • Dita (woreda), a district of Ethiopia
  • Dita (TV series), an Australian talk show from 1967 to 1970
  • Dita (newspaper), an Albanian newspaper
  • Dita (instrument), an Ethiopian lyre-like musical instrument
  • Dita (genus), a genus of moths in the Oecophorinae subfamily
Dita (woreda)

Dita is one of the woredas in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Gamo Gofa Zone, Dita is bordered on the south by Arba Minch Zuria and Bonke, on the west by Deramalo, on the north by Kucha, and on the east by Chencha. Towns in Dita include Zeda. Dita was part of former Dita Dermalo woreda.

Dita (TV series)

Dita is an Australian television series which aired from 1967 to 1970 on what would eventually become Network Ten. The daytime series featured Dita Cobb and Noel Brophy, who would discuss news items. Produced in Sydney, part of the run was also shown in Melbourne. The series aired in a 30-minute time-slot.

Prior to this series, Dita Cobb had appeared on Dita and Buzz.

Dita (moth)

Dita is a genus of moths in the Oecophoridae family.

Usage examples of "dita".

Malachi and Dita sat in the back of the drum-shaped chamber, near the exit, smoking cigarettes.

Too small a gene pool, for one thing, and neither Dita nor I would care to be brood mares in a hopeless effort.

Lena and Dita came through the glow and walked slowly down into the pit.

Mal and Magnus grabbed his shoulders and laughed with relief as Isak, Dita, and Yerik looked on.

She and Dita had kept in touch as much as possible, and her last call to him had suggested that the couple were having troubles.

I had to point out to him that if I went with you, that would cut me off from Dita for good.

British facade had slipped when Lena told him that Dita would join the group.

Dita had studied the work of the Go-captains and she knew well enough that if the paleocortex was lost the personality became intellectually sane, but emotionally crazed.

Perle di luce si staccarono dalle dita del Jaff illuminandogli il volto, che era sparuto, e il corpo, an­cora vestito come lo era stato al Mall, ma che riempiva l'o­scurità della stanza di nuovi terata, non più le bestie com­plesse che erano state in precedenza, bensì ombre munite di barbigli.

Poi spezzò le sue catene e gli fu addosso, gli scivolò fra le dita della mano ora aperta per difendersi dall'aggressione, salì verso il suo volto già ferito.

Poi se li riaggiustò nelle coppe, li sollevò, li riabbassò, con le sue dita indifferenti, maldestre.

Con un profondo desiderio di piacere e con la piena consapevolezza che tutto per lei era una novità, mostrò a Nora, a volte non senza prenderla dolcemente in giro, tutte le sensazioni che la sua lingua, le dita e la virilità potevano provocare in lei.

Lei mi fa pensare a quelle povere ragazze che conoscevo quand'ero ragazzino: quelle cioè che a sedici anni avevano alle dita grossi diaman­ti di fidanzamento e a vent'anni due bambini e un marito che organizzava serate pianistiche.

Si asciugò meticolosamente le labbra col tovagliolo, e fece un gesto di fastidio con la destra, facendo ondeggiare le esili dita.

In quel mentre le dita si moltiplicarono, troppe perché fossero di mani umane, più di una dozzina per parte, forti tanto da lacerargli la pelle quando gli afferrarono i muscoli.